For Major Baseball , players are selected through a try-out and draft process as outlined in the Little League Operating Handbook. At Layritz, players who are 10 , 11, or 12 by April 30, may participate in try-outs, which are held in Feb/March each year at Layritz Park. Players are rated on a variety of baseball skills. New Major BB players must attend two or more of the tryouts. Returning Major BB players need only attend one session to be assessed for team balancing.
After tryouts have concluded, teams will be drafted from the candidates, forming the Major Baseball division. Those players not drafted to a Major BB team will remain in the Minor Baseball Division. It is best that all those Minor BB players from the previous season tryout such that they can be placed where the Managers and Directors feel they belong. If a player who shows up for Minors assessments at a later date, decides that Majors is more his level, it will be too late as the Majors teams will have already been drafted.
We acknowledge the financial assistance of the Province of British Columbia
and thank them in assisting us in providing a great program for our kids and our community.