Archive SectionImage

 2014 Tournament List
 2014 City Minor
 2013 Tournament List
 Umpire's Schedule (Apr)
 Umpire's Schedule (May)
 Umpire's Schedule (Jun)
 Umpire Schedule (Tourney)
 Photo Packages
 Umpire's Schedule (Fall)
 Umpire Schedule TEMPLATE
 2015 Uniform Fittings
 2016 Uniform Fittings
 City Minor Baseball 2013
 Volunteer Schedule
 2015 Tee Ball Schedule
 2015 Mini-Minor Baseball
 2015 Rookie Minor Basebal
 2015 Minor Baseball
 2015 Major Baseball
 2015 Minor Softball
 Batting Cage Reservations
 2013 Season.
 2013 Blast Ball
 2013 Tee Ball
 2013 Mini Minor Baseball
 2013Rookie Minor Baseball
 2013 Minor Baseball
 2013 Major Baseball
 +2013 Hampton Fun Day
 2013 Minor Softball
 2013 Major Softball
 2013 Junior Softball
 2014 Major Baseball
 2014 Minor Baseball
 2014 Rookie Minor Basebal



2014 Photo Package Information

Included with your registration is 8x10 Club Memory Mate (see the first thumbnail below) which includes a team photo and a individual batting photo in a heavy gage paper mounting frame.

If you would like additional photos, see the attached images from the scanned flyer, get a flyer from your coaches, or pick one up on opening day from the photographer.  They'll take cash, cheque, Visa, and Mastercard.