In addition to regular Little League Rules, the following will apply to Layritz's Fall Baseball Program:
1. A continuous batting order will be used.Line-up sheets and score keepers are not necessary, but please use some form of list or magnet board to ensure the batting order is followed for the entire game.
2. Defensive substitutions may be made at will. No player should sit more than two innings in a row defensively and all players should play/sit approximately the same amount of innings as their team mates.
3. Pitch counts will not be required. Pitchers may pitch for a maximum of two innings in a game.Borrowed players may not pitch. (There are no scheduled back to back days of play so there will always be days of rest.)
4. Players should be borrowed from other fall ball teams to make up 9 players.When replacement players cannot be found from within our own fall League, Little Leaguers registered/insured in 2012, may be borrowed two times each, only to bring a team up to nine players.
5. A catcher who catches any part of four innings may not pitch that day as per standard Little League rules.
6. The dropped third strike rule is in effect.
7. Run limits will be 3 per inning, and unlimited in the open inning.
8. No new inning will be started after 1 hr 45 min, measured from the scheduled start time till the last out call in the bottom of the inning.Any inning started after 1 hr 30 min from the scheduled start time (if it is not the 6th inning) will be declared the “Open Inning”.
9. Teams need to work towards speedy changeovers to maximize playing time. Base runners that are catching are to be replaced with the last out as a pinch runner when there are two outs or two runs scored. Pitcher's are permitted 5 warm up pitches or 1 minute, which ever is less time, between innings.
10. The home team will set up the field and the visitors will clean up the field.
11.All Layritz Fall Baseball coaches will be required to conduct themselves in a manner that ensures all our fall players from around the city has a positive experience.
We acknowledge the financial assistance of the Province of British Columbia
and thank them in assisting us in providing a great program for our kids and our community.