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 +2013 Hampton Fun Day
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 2014 Major Baseball
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 2014 Rookie Minor Basebal



2013 Hampton Fun Day Tournament (May Long Weekend)

Thu 16th   6:00 PM  Hampton 2 - Hampton 3 - 1  
Fri 17th   6:00 PM  Beacon Hill 11 Layritz 10 1
Fri 17th   6:00 PM  Lakehill - Hampton 3 - 2
Sat 18th  10:00 AM  Beacon Hill - Lakehill - 1
Sat 18th  10:00 AM  Layritz - Hampton 2 - 2  
Sat 18th   2:00 PM  Lakehill - Hampton 2 - 1  
Sat 18th   2:00 PM  Hampton 3 - Beacon Hill - 2  
Sat 18th   5:00 PM  Hampton 3 - Layritz - 1
Sun 19th  10:00 AM  Layritz - Lakehill - 1  
Sun 19th  10:00 AM  Hampton 2 - Beacon Hill - 2
Sun 19th   1:00 PM  IBB H1   IBB H2   1
Sun 19th   4:00 PM  4th Place
(Hampton 2)
- 1st Place
- 1
 Play off Game 1 
Sun 19th   4:00 PM  3rd Place
(Beacon Hill)
13 2nd Place
12 2
 Play off Game 2 
Mon 20th  11:00 AM   Winner of Playoff 2
(Beacon Hill) 
5  Winner Playoff  1
11 1

Congratulations Layritz on their win!
And thank you to all teams for a great long weekend of baseball!