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2014 City Minor Tourney @ National

City Minor Tournament - National - June 16 - 22nd  

The winner of the regular minor baseball season, BC Greenhouse Builders, represented Layritz at the 2014 City Minor Tournament hosted at National (Cook and Hillside) on Jerry Hale field.  

Game#1 - Mon Jun 16 6pm at Oaklands - 15-0 Win vs. National (host) - mercied in the 4th; the bats must have been on fire!
Game#2 - Tue Jun 17 6pm at Oaklands -  17-8 Win vs. Hampton 
Game#3 - Thu Jun 19 6pm at National -    7-8 Loss vs. Central Saanich
Game#4 - Sat Jun 21 3pm at National -   11-8 Win vs. Central Saanich (Game#1 of Championship Double Knockout) - Down by NEVER OUT, way to go boys!
Game#5 - Sun Jun 22 10am at National - 6-4 Win vs. Central Saanich (Game#2 of Championship Double Knockout)

A huge congratulations goes out the a resilient boys (and coaches) of BC Greenhouse Builders.  In an exciting game, the boys never let up and pulled out a 4-6 win!

Check out the photos of the boys celebrating their win!