UNIFORMS are to be worn for ONLY games - NOT to practice.
Parents please keep in mind:-
·You have paid a deposit on the uniform, please take care of them, we do not want to cash cheques at the end of the year.
·When you wash the uniform, please DO NOT put it in the dryer – Hang it up to dry; the lettering WILL melt and peel in the dryer.
·If there are stains on the pants, please scrub them by hand, it is a lot easier that you do the one pair of pants as opposed to us doing 100 pair (yes we have done this!)
·We do notice, and appreciate those in the past that have taken the time to mend, or repair pants (we can’t sew, this helps out a lot if you can!)
·We do have mending that needs to be done, patches that need to be put on uniforms, if anyone can help out in this area please get a hold of us.
·On fitting day please do not come up to the clubhouse it gets too crowded. The coaches will be up there with the kids. We may get one parent to come up to record the sheets if we need the help.
We acknowledge the financial assistance of the Province of British Columbia
and thank them in assisting us in providing a great program for our kids and our community.