The complete rules of our game are contained in two booklets that are published yearly by Little League:
"Official Regulations and Playing Rules For All Divisions Of Little League Softball" "Official Regulations and Playing Rules For All Divisions Of Little League Baseball"
Some or parts of these can be seen (some require payment) below:
Coaches can request a copy of these documents from their divisional director. The rules sections on this website are Layritz additions and understandings (aka "Park Rules").
We hope that all coaches, players, and parents read the General Rules and the individual Division Rules that apply to them. That way we'll all start off on the same page. Select from your left menu choices. Use the "Printer Version" button in the top right if you wish to print a hardcopy.
We acknowledge the financial assistance of the Province of British Columbia
and thank them in assisting us in providing a great program for our kids and our community.