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2012 Fall Baseball

Fall Baseball - 8/9 Year Old Players (based on the 2012 Season) at Lakehill Little League

Lakehill has organized a Fall Ball Baseball Program for players aged 8 and 9 in the 2012 Season.  This program is going to be offered up to of the Greater Victoria Little League Parks.  See the  registration form and information poster.  Please note that registration is scheduled for this coming Friday, July 25If you are interested but unable to attend the registration, I would urge you to please email Lakehill's President, Ted Austin, at info@lakehillball.com and let him know.  Obviously this program will run only if the numbers are there, so the sooner Lakehill is aware of the number of players interested, the sooner than can decide on their program's viablility. 

Fall Baseball - 10-12 year old players (based on the 2012 Season) at Layritz LIttle League

Layritiz is offering a Fall Ball Program.  This is a
season which runs between mid-September to the end of October.  The program consists of a "games only" format, played played under the lights on Wednesday and Friday nights and on Sunday afternoons at Layrtiz.  Based on a four team format, each team would play once during the week, and once on the weekend.  This program is also being offered up to the other parks within Victoria's Little League District.  

Coaches and Managers will be required for each team, so if you are interested in taking on the role of either a coach or manager, please do let us know.  These programs are obviously dependent on volunteers - Fall Ball is more "casual" than regular season baseball so if you have not taken the opportunity to coach your son/daughter up until now, this may be a great opportunity to jump in and give it a try - perhaps alongside a more experienced coach! 
The registration fee for this program is $50.00 and will include a Fall Ball T-shirt. 

The registration for the Layritz Fall Ball Program will take place in the Clubhouse at Layritz on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.  Please be sure to attend this registration or, alternatively, email Shannon Nakatsu at
secretary@layritz.ca PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 5 to advise of your intent to register.  We would like to commence games the following week(end) so it is imperative that a decision is made whether we have the numbers to run the program ASAP after the September 4 registration date. 

We hope many Little League baseball players continue to play and enjoy the game throughout the Fall, whether it be at Lakehill (8 or 9 year olds) or at our home park (10-12 years old).