Welcome to the Homepage of Layritz Little League Baseball and Softball
Last Call for 2020 Canadians Executive Board Expression of Interest
Layritz Little League has officially been awarded the honour of hosting the 2020 Canadian Little League Championships. This amazing opportunity will showcase Layritz Park, the Municipality of Saanich and the entire Greater Victoria area and will, undoubtedly, be the highlight of the 2020 sporting community calendar.
This tournament will be an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for players, coaches and families of Layritz Little League, as well, the entire community of Greater Victoria. We hope this tournament will find many Layritz players and families, both past and present, looking to join us in giving back to our amazing park and program through volunteer efforts.
In preparation; one of the key first tasks is to create the Executive for the 2020 Tournament Committee. This Executive Committee will direct and lead the entire efforts of the Layritz based Tournament Committee. The following positions will comprise the 2020 Executive Committee:
Each of these positions will require a 3-4 year full commitment right through to the end of the tournament and post tournament debrief. 2017 & 2018 will be lighter commitment but 2019-2020 will be a highly active time leading up to the tournament opening in early to mid August of 2020.
If anyone is interested in sitting on the 2020 Executive Committee of the Canadian Little League Championships you are encouraged to contact Troy Dunning – Tournament Chair, no later than December 15, 2016 at 2020Canadians@Layritz.ca – please include which position you would like to be considered for.
It is our hope that Layritz Little League will produce and deliver a memorable experience and a first class National Championship for all who are involved. We will need many other volunteers as we proceed ahead.
Troy Dunning
Tournament Chair – 2020 Canadian Little League Championships
2017 Registration Dates Set - Jan 28/29 & Feb 4/5
Registration Dates for the 2017 Season have been set by Little League Canada - They are January 28-29 and February 4-5 - (times TBD - likely afternoons) at the Club House.
If you do not live in our catchment and wish to register your child at Layritz Little League please review the following to determine eligibility (eligibility rules apply to all levels of Little League play from Tee Ball up):
1) Your player was registered on an Layritz Little League regular season team and lived in our catchment in 2016 but you have now moved out of catchment, OR, you participated in 2016 based on a School form and your player has now moved to an out of catchment school, please complete a Form II(d) (Form II(d) ) and bring to registration to ensure continuing service with our league;
2) Your child is currently enrolled in a school that is in the Layritz Catchment and you have completed a Little League School Enrollment Form (School Form)and had it signed by either the school Vice Principal or Principal (if you have previously completed a School form you do not need to complete a new one each year UNLESS the child has changed schools);
Please review the payment details carefully as you may be required to provide more than 1 post-dated cheque per child depending on the level of play. NEED TO UPDATE FOR 2017 - Registration Page
Also, please familiarize yourself with our refund policy, Refund Policy
Please consider volunteering as a team manager, coach or umpire – we rely on our fantastic volunteers to provide the quality programming that Layritz Little League has become known for. You do not have to be an expert in the game, just willing to learn and a desire to help out. Feel free to ask any of our board members if you have any questions about volunteering. ALL 2017 Volunteers must complete the Volunteer Form to be considered.
Calling All Softball Parents!
Free softball coaching instruction clinics!!
Layritz, Beacon Hill and Hampton Little League Softball Programs are excited to offer FREE coaching instruction to any interested parents, coaches or former players (age 13 and up)! We will offer 2 clinics that will enable you to teach anyone the basics of softball.'
The first session will take place on Thursday, December 8th from 7-8:30 PM at Margaret Jenkins elementary school gym (1824 Fairfield Road) and will focus on how to teach catching and throwing.
The second session will take place on Sunday, December 11th from 4-5:30 PM at Oak Bay Rec Center (1975 Bee Street) and will focus on how to teach batting.
The coaching clinics will be facilitated by Kim Shelley who is a former Layritz Little League and Softball BC coach and a formerly certified coaches for for Softball BC. Kim will instruct you how to teach the proper techniques of throwing, catching and batting to your own children or to an entire team.
**No experience is necessary. Our goal is to train as many people as possible so that you can feel confident when you volunteer to help with clinics, help coach teams in the spring or to simply teach your own daughter(s) at home. For the Thursday clinic please wear running shoes and bring a glove. For the Sunday clinic please bring a bat (if you have one).**
These clinics are being offered free of charge thanks to the generous support of the softball parks of District 7 Little League. Please contact Joanne at jfbolzonello@gmail.com by Tuesday, December 6th if you are interested in attending one or both of these clinics.
**These are not player clinics - please do not bring players to these clinics, we will confirm dates shortly for January player clinics.
Have a great Holiday Season!
Happy Holidays
from all those at Layritz to you and your extended baseball and softball families!
Seeking Board Members for the 2020 Canadian Championships
ATTENTION Layritz Families - Past and Present
Re: 2020 Canadian Little League Championships Announcement
Layritz Little League has officially been awarded the honour of hosting the 2020 Canadian Little League Championships. This amazing opportunity will showcase Layritz Park, the Municipality of Saanich and the entire Greater Victoria area and will, undoubtedly, be the highlight of the 2020 sporting community calendar.
This tournament will be an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for players, coaches and families of Layritz Little League, as well, the entire community of Greater Victoria. We hope this tournament will find many Layritz players and families, both past and present, looking to join us in giving back to our amazing park and program through volunteer efforts.
In preparation; one of the key first tasks is to create the Executive for the 2020 Tournament Committee. This Executive Committee will direct and lead the entire efforts of the Layritz based Tournament Committee. The following positions will comprise the 2020 Executive Committee:
Each of these positions will require a 3-4 year full commitment right through to the end of the tournament and post tournament debrief. 2017 & 2018 will be lighter commitment but 2019-2020 will be a highly active time leading up to the tournament opening in early to mid August of 2020.
If you are interested in sitting on the 2020 Executive Committee of the Canadian Little League Championships please contact contact Tournament Chair, Troy Dunning, no later than December 15, 2016 at 2020Canadians@Layritz.ca – please include which position you would like to be considered for.
It is our hope that Layritz Little League will produce and deliver a memorable experience and a first class National Championship for all who are involved. We will need many other volunteers as we proceed ahead.
For more and future tournament information and details please go to the Layritz Little League website at www.layritz.ca
Troy Dunning
Tournament Chair – 2020 Canadian Little League Championships
Fall Member Meetings - Nov 14 and Nov 20
Hello Layritz Families,
I hope that this finds you all well and enjoying our West Coast fall!
I am writing to let you know of a few Layritz meetings that will be happening in November and hope that you will be able to attend. It is that time of the year when the Board is working behind the scenes to put everything in order from the last season and to get the ball rolling for our upcoming season.
The first meeting is a Special Meeting being called by the President to take place on November 14, 2016 at 7pm in the Layritz Clubhouse. A Special Meeting is called to deal with a specific subject and only that subject will be discussed - in this case it will be to review and vote on proposed changes to the Layritz Little League Bylaws.
Our organization operates under the BC Societies Act (http://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/employment-business/business/not-for-profit-organizations/societies) and effective November 28, 2016 the Society Act will change. As we will have to transition our constitution and bylaws to the new format it is also a good time to look at bringing our bylaws up to date and to make changes that will ensure that Layritz Little League can continue to operate efficiently and be good stewards of the park and league resources. All regular members are invited to attend and vote and a copy of the proposed changes will be sent to all members in the next week once we sort out emailing.
The second meeting is our Annual General Meeting to take place on November 20, 2016 at 7pm in the Arbutus room at the Saanich Commonwealth Place. This meeting will be to review the league budget in the Treasurers report, receive the Presidents report and conduct the annual election for open board positions. It is very important that we have adequate numbers at our AGM as our yearly gaming grant monies from the provincial government are dependent upon attendance. These monies are a significant portion of our annual funding and allow us to keep our registration and participation costs as low as possible. All regular members are invited to attend and vote.
A regular member is defined as:
Parents or legal guardians of each Player Member shall be considered a Regular Member upon payment of the annual registration fee for that player.In addition, any person actively interested in furthering the purpose of the Associationmay also become a regular member upon election as hereinafter provided.
I look forward to seeing you there.
Jenna Hiser - President, Layritz Little League
AGM - Sunday, November 20th, 7-8:30pm in the Arbutus Room at Commonwealth Place
The Layritz Little Leagueis holding their Annual General Meeting on Sunday, November 20th, at 7-8:30pm in the Arbutus Room of Commonwealth Place (upstairs, left of main entrance doors) - Saanich Commonwealth Place - 4636 Elk Lake Drive
Please make time in your schedules to attend, as this affects our ability to qualify for the Provincial Gaming grants that help fund our programs and keeps all our costs down. Considering the countless hours our Board and Coaches give this program, please give this important one hour (or slightly more) of your time to help everyone involved. .
Fall Baseball 2016 - Registration
Fall Ball at Layritz Little League is now full and teams will be finalized this weekend.
2016 District 7 - Championship Schedules
Please note that the 9-10 schedule has changed as National Little League has unfortunately had to pull out of the tournament.
Layritz Little League 2016 City Minor Baseball Champions
2016 City Minor Softball Champions
Layritz Minor Softball All Stars are the 2016 City Champions!
COACHES: Uniform Returns 2016 - Sunday, June 19 & 26
DIVISIONS RETURNING UNIFORMS: Rookie Minors, Minor SB, Minor BB, Major SB, Major BB, Jr/Sr SB
THE CLUBHOUSE WILL BE OPEN FOR RETURNS: Sunday, June 19th from 9:00am - 10:00am Sunday, June 19th from 1:00pm - 2:00pm Sunday, June 26th from 3:00pm - 6:00pm
Uniform Return Instruction for Coaches:
• Send an email to your team advising them that you (or a designated parent) are collecting the uniforms: NOT to return them to the park individually
• Collect the uniforms from your team
• Make sure they are well laundered
• We expect the pants and jerseys only (hats and socks are theirs to keep)
• DO NOT return the uniforms until they are a full team set
• DO NOT return uniforms to the park on closing day
• If you need a copy of your uniform sheet from the beginning of the year, let Joanne, our Uniform Director, at uniforms@layritz.ca know
• The dates to drop off at the park are Sunday, June 19 from 9:00am-10:00am and 1:00pm-2:00pm and Sunday, June 26 from 3:00pm-6:00pm so we can check off the uniforms to the sheet from the beginning of the season
• Uniform deposit cheques will be cashed if full set is not returned by these dates
Graduating 12 year olds - It's been fun!
Several 12 year old are graduating Little League this year. We wish them well and hope they continue on with the great sports of baseball and softball and take those lessons learned of hard teamwork and personal pride with them throughout their lives! Hopefully we'll see many of them as umpires next year or next door at Layritz Intermediate Baseball.
IMPORTANT Parking Information for Closing Ceremonies
In light of the closure of Wilkinson between Greenlea and Mann Ave we ask that you review the Layritz Parking options:
Out of respect for all our neighbours please drive slowly and cautiously through the neighbourhood approaching the park and do not park in the Resident Only parking on any of the surrounding streets. We strongly support carpooling, walking and riding bikes to the park!
There is VERYlimited parking in the Layritz lot however there is ample FREE parking available at the VI Tech Park lot located on the back side of the park off of Markham Rd - it is nearly equal walking distance to the fields.
Lets keep the park safe and the parking sane!
Please familiarize yourself with the following maps: the first identifies the location of both parking lots and the second clarifies the NO PARKING zones in the Layritz Lot.
Uniform and Gear Return Information for Managers & Coaches
TEAM BANNERS: to be hung inside the fence of the Major Baseball diamond once the 11:15 game is over, it can be left as all banners will be cleaned before being put away
TEAM EQUIPMENT: there will be designated areas labeled in the clubhouse starting on Friday night for all gear bags to be returned, please clean all bags thoroughly before returning, mild soap and water can be used on all equipment and the bag can go through the washing machine if needed before return
UNIFORM RETURN Instruction for Coaches:
· Send an email to your team advising them that you (or a designated parent) are collecting the uniforms: NOT to return them to the park individually
· Collect the uniforms from your team
· Make sure they are well laundered
· We expect the pants and jerseys only (hats and socks are theirs to keep)
· DO NOT return the uniforms until they are a full team set
· DO NOT return uniforms to the park on closing day
· If you need a copy of your uniform sheet from the beginning of the year, let me know
· The dates to drop off at the park are Sunday, June 19 from 9:00am-10:00am and 1:00pm-2:00pm and Sunday, June 26 from 3:00pm-6:00pm so we can check off the uniforms to the sheet from the beginning of the season
- Uniform deposit cheques will be cashed if full set is not returned by these dates
Any other questions – please do not hesitate to ask your division director.
Please pick up your Layritz Wear Orders
There are a few Layritz Wear orders that still have not been picked up.
If you placed an order and have not yet picked it up it is available in the concession until Closing day June 18th.
Delicious Food in the Concession!
Don't miss out
on some of the eye popping and drool inducing food in our concession, all while taking in a game or two one evening or over a sunny weekend with a friend.
All Star Eligibility
June 1st marks the beginning of All Star team try-outs and thoughts begin to turn towards Summer tournament play. The following local tournaments have been confirmed for 2016:
June 19-23, City Minor Softball Championships @ Layritz June 19-26, City Minor Baseball @ Central Saanich July 1-10, 9-10 Baseball @ Hampton July 9-17, 11-12 Baseball @ Beacon Hill TBD, 11-12 Softball @ TBD - will be in Victoria
To be eligible for All Star Tournament players must meet the following:
1. Have played 60% of their regular season games by June 15th 2. Meet residency requirements - live in catchment and can provide supporting documents dated and in force between Feb 1, 2015 - Feb 1, 2016, OR, attend a school in the Layritz catchment and have provided a completed & signed School Form confirming enrollment in school prior to October 1, 2015, OR, have a pre-approved waiver in place. *Softball players can reside or attend school in the Layritz, Central Saanich or Lakehill Catchment. 3. Have a birth certificate to present for verification. 4. Have a passport that will not expire prior to December 2016.
Victoria Eagles and Victoria Mariners at Royal Athletic Park
Thursday June 2, at 6:35pm, the Premier Victoria Mariners and Victoria Eagles meet for the first time this season at Royal Athletic Park.
Come on out to see a great game and support many of our Layritz Little League Alumni!
Admission is $7
While there are many players on both teams from Little Leagues all over Victoria we are especially proud of our Layritz Little League Alumni:
Ryley Abbott Jesse Mycock Nick Seginowich Jesse Simpson Jacob Moss Jacob Potter Luke Seginowich
Pancake Saturdays!
Layritz is starting up Pancake Saturdays once again!
Beginning this Saturday April 22ndfrom 9am-ish until 11am and hopefully every Saturday until the end of the season, our dedicated Concession Director, Ian Hawey, will be flipping pancakes for two hours. Stopping May 14th & 21st and restarting again on May 28th!
The menu will be limited to pancakes, bacon, and breakfast sandwiches with coffee and hot chocolate do drink (of course candy, juice, and pop will also be available) until 11am when the rest of the kitchen staff arrives for their weekend shifts. For $2.75 you'll get your plate of three fresh pancakes. Pending popularity and success, extra food items may be added in the coming weeks.
If there are any volunteer Blast Ball parents that have not worked the concession before, this could be an easy intro to the activities of the concession. Drop Ian an email at concession@layritz.ca if would like to help out. He only needs a couple of volunteers weekly to help take money, serve drinks, and hand out utensils.
Wilkinson Road Corridor Improvements - Early June 2016
Saanich is doing road improvements that may affect your access to Layritz Park. Please have a look to avoid frustration and getting to your games on time.
Wilkinson Road Corridor Improvements The improvements include the closure of Wilkinson Road between Greenlea Drive and Mann Avenue. The road closure will begin by early June 2016 and last approximately six months to the end of November 2016.
For 2016 we are pleased to offer Layritz Wear, at cost, to all our players, volunteers and families.
Please go over the available options and if you are interested in ordering please bring your completed order form with payment attached to the Concession no later than Friday May 6, 2016.
Cheque only, made out to Layritz Little League with player's name in the memo line.
Concession Volunteers will not be able to assist with orders or accept cash payments.
Please note that while we are offering an official Layritz Coach shirt this is not a mandatory item.
Registration Requests
The sun is shining, the games have begun and we are still receiving registration requests from the community. Unfortunately, at this time, all Blastball, Teeball and Baseball (all divisions) teams are full to capacity and the waitlists are closed.
We are accepting female players born 2003-2005 for our Major Softball Team and are particularily interested in players with pitching experience.
We are also accepting applications from females born 1999 - 2001 for our Senior Softball Team - only a few spots left.
We're looking for PHOTOS you'd like to share of the 2016 Season. Please submit them as an email attachment (~200KB per photo is the quality we're looking for) to Photos@Layritz.ca and check the Photos tab to see them posted later.
Opening Day - Saturday April 9
Opening Day
Saturday April 9th Noon at the Major Baseball Diamond
Please confirm photo schedule and time to meet at the field with your coach
A full schedule of events will be posted shortly
Layritz Little League now on Facebook!
Layritz Little League is now on Facebook - please like our page to keep up with events, field closures and other important park information.
Schedules Posted
Some game schedules are posted, most up to April 20th
BlastBall or TeeBall (there now)
Softball divisions are a work in progress
CAREFULLY look at the YEAR in the Schedule TITLE and look for 2016
Uniform fitting day is Sunday April 3rd(times TBD - 9:30am-6:30pm)
This will be the ONLYday available for uniform fittings. If you are unable to attend, find a child of similar size on your team, and coordinate with your coach & mandatory admin manager.
Check www.layritz.ca/uniforms for the full schedule which you should have been informed of by your coach. Please be PROMPTto respect our director and volunteer's time and efforts and to also keep things flowing smoothly.
2016 Coaches Clinic - All Divisions - Saturday April 2nd
Saturday April 2nd, 2016 - Dr. Geoff Pratt will be here at Layritz...
April 2nd - 9-Noon - Dr. Geoff Pratt - Layritz ClubHouse / Major Diamond / Batting Cage - TeeBall to Mini-Minors
April 2nd - 1-4pm - Dr. Geoff Pratt - Layritz ClubHouse / Major Diamond / Batting Cage - Rookie Minors to Majors/Jr. Softball
Bring your glove, some water, and dress appropriately for on-field, batting cage, and classroom instruction.
Late Registration - UPDATED March 16, 2016
ALL Baseball Divisions are now FULL and no further wait lists are being taken.
Blastball and Teeball divisions are now FULL with no further waitlist applications being taken.
We may have room for a few players in the following Divisions, players will be waitlisted until rosters can be reviewed by Director:
Minor Softball (girls born 2005 - 2007)
Major Softball (girls born 2003 - 2005)
We are currently accepting registrations for our Junior/Senior/Big League Division (girls born 1997-2001)
If you would like to be added to the waitlist or register for the upper division please send an email to registrar@layritz.ca and include the name and birthdate of all players you are wanting waitlisted or registered as well as an email contact and phone number.
Waitlists will be reviewed by Coaches and Directors once the current rosters are finalized. You will be contacted directly if we are able to offer your player a spot on a team and arrangements will be made at that time to complete registration.
Minor & Major Baseball Assessments - Feb 27-Mar 6
MANDATORY Minor and Major Assessments!
MAJORS Session #1 - Sat. Feb. 27 12:30-3:00 Session #2 - Sun. Feb. 28 12:30-3:00 Session #3 - Sat. Mar. 5 12:30-3:00 Session #4 - Sun Mar. 6 12:30-3:00
ROOKIE MINORS TBD - Director found- thanks Erin Virtanen!
Held at the Major Diamond (D3)
> Cleats, Helmet, Glove and Bat (if wanting to use a personal bat)
* Players, please arrive 10 minutes prior to session and be ready to go
The Next Week at Layritz Little League
Hello Layritz Friends and Family,
Welcome to the 2016 Season at Layritz Little League! As happens every year it seems that spring break ends and then there is a mad dash to Opening Day with many jobs to find time to complete. As you know we are 100% volunteer run and we are very fortunate to have such a talented and committed community to work with to keep this great park in tip top shape.
This weekend, April 2 & 3, is a very busy weekend and you will be receiving a number of emails regarding uniform fittings, coaching clinics, umpire clinics and last but certainly not least, park clean up. For the 2016 Season we have introduced a new element to your volunteer commitment to the park. You may have noticed that we were not collecting “concession deposits” at registration but rather, “volunteer deposits” with each family being asked to complete 2 volunteer shifts for each child registered (in tee-ball and up) to a maximum 4 shifts per family. Park Clean-up will be the first of the new volunteer opportunities we will be offering this year. If you would like to take advantage of this opportunity or would simply like to join us to help clean up and get Layritz ready for the Kids please review the directions below:
We encourage everyone to come and help out with the Park Clean up – many hands make light work. However, you cannot sign in 4 different family members to cover all your required shifts in one day. Each family can earn credit for 1 volunteer shift on each of April 2 and April 3 – shifts are from 10am – 2pm.
Sign-up sheets will be available at the Concession window between 9:45 – 10:25 am – please make sure to clearly write your name, your players name and the team your player is on (if known). If we cannot read the names we cannot give you credit for work done.
Job lists will be available at each of the diamonds, the batting cages and the concession. Please note that April 2 will only be working on:the mini-minor diamond, the blastball/teeball diamond, the softball diamond, the minor diamond and the concession. April 3 will focus on the major baseball diamond, the batting cages, the concession and any work left over from the previous day.
Please bring any tools you may have on hand – rakes, edgers, gloves, cleaning supplies (for the concession). Wear appropriate clothing and footwear as work may involve weeding the infields or sanding & painting new boards in the dugouts and on the bleachers.
Have fun and know that your contribution to the park and our Little League Community is greatly appreciated by both the Board and all the kids who play and love Layritz Little League!
Looking forward to seeing you at the park,
Your 2016 Layritz Little League Board.
Minor & Major Softball Clinics - Starting Feb 2 - Mar 29
Last Indoor Session March 29 @ 6pm
Special Guest will provide Pitching Instruction!
Please make sure to bring someone to catch if you are interested in the pitching session
All catchers under 16 must wear face protection.
FREE to Girlsages 8–12yrs
> Appropriate Footwear (runners NOT CLEATS) > Helmet, Glove and Bat (if available) > A Friend or two!
Tuesday, March 29th 6:00 – 7:00 pm Court 2
* Players, please arrive 10 minutes prior to session and be ready to go
2016 Park Cleanup Days - Sat-Sun April 2-3
PARK CLEANUP DAY - Saturday & Sunday April 2 & 3 from 10am-2pm - All Divisions
Saturday April 2 will focus on:
D1 - Mini Minor Diamond
D4 - Blastball/Teeball Diamond
D5 - Softball Diamond
D6 - Minor Diamond
Sunday April 3 will focus on:
D3 - Major Diamond & Bleachers
Batting Cages
So grab your shovel, edger, bucket, broom, weed trimmers, cleaning supplies (concession), etc. and come help out - all skills and abilities welcome.
NEW THIS YEAR: Each family has provided a Volunteer Deposit and participating in the Park Cleanup will qualify as completion of one of your Volunteer shifts. Sign in sheets will be available at the concession between 9:45am and 10:15am, sign up, complete a 4 hour shift and help keep our park Great!
Specific Details will be emailed to all Layritz Families and will be available on our website later this week.
Let's make the park be welcoming and shine for everyone to enjoy!
Last Chance to Register for 2016 Season at Layritz Little League
Did you miss registration and want to play at Layritz Little League this season?
We will be having our Last Chance Registrationevents on:
Saturday, February 13 from 1-3pm and,
Wednesday, February 17 from 5:30-7:30 pm
in the Layritz Little League Clubhouse.
We will continue to accept complete registrations for Blastball and Teeball by mailuntil March 11, 2016.
Want to know if you are eligible to play at Layritz Little League?
To play at Layritz Little League you must either,
Live in our catchment - a map of our current catchment can be found here;
Or, attend a school that is located within our catchment. If you are registering based on school please make sure to have a copy of the school form signed by the school principal or vice principal and bring to registration. (If you live in our catchment you do not have to complete the school form).
Schools in our catchment:
Cordova Bay Elementary Eagle View Elementary
Millstream Elementary Northridge Elementary
Prospect Lake Elementary Strawberry Vale Elementary
Glanford Middle School Royal Oak Middle School
Claremont Secondary School Lakewood Elementary
**If you lived or attended a school in our catchment last year and have now moved to a residence or school outside of our catchment you MUST complete Form II(d) & II(a) and include supporting documents to continue playing at Layritz Little League - this form can be submitted to the President or Player Agent at registration and it will then be taken to the District to request approval and signatures. If you have any questions regarding this form please contact the playeragent@layritz.ca.
**Softball ONLY - softball players from the catchments of Central Saanich, Lakehill and Layritz are eligible to play at Layritz Little League. We welcome players who also play on a Softball BC team.
Registration Quick Facts
NEW this Year - ALL players must complete our new Player Form.
List of Fees and Birthdate range for each division can be found at the bottom of the page here.
Blastball registration can be paid with either cash or cheque.
Teeball and Mini-Minor will require 2 payments - at least 1 cheque per player; 1. a registration fee PLUS fundraising fee - cash or cheque. Fundraising is either a payment of $40 OR buy a box of Chocolates for $60 and you can sell them to recoup your entire $60 2. a post dated cheque (April 1, 2016) in the amount of $100 for Volunteer Deposit - must be a cheque.
All other Divisions, Baseball and Softball will require 3 payments - at least 2 separate cheques per player; 1. a registration fee PLUS fundraising fee - cash or cheque. Fundraising is either a payment of $40 OR buy a box of Chocolates for $60 and you can sell them to recoup your entire $60 2. a post dated cheque (April 1, 2016) in the amount of $100 for Volunteer Deposit - must be a cheque. 3. a post dated cheque (July 1, 2016) in the amount of $75 for Uniform Deposit - must be a cheque.
** IMPORTANT Please review our Registration, Refund and Payment Policy for important changes and dates
Winter Baseball Clinics - Minor and Major Baseball - Fridays
Winter indoor baseball clinics are starting up next week. These are FREE!!! And open to minors and majors baseballs players. They take place on the following Friday’s:
Fri, Jan 15
Fri, Jan 29
Fri, Feb 5
Fri, Feb 12
Each night will see two back-to-back 90 minute clinics set for interested minors players (ages 9-10) and majors players (ages 11-12). 10 year olds are encouraged to attend the session they feel they would like to come out for.
Sessions run from 6:00-7:30 – minors and then 7:30 to 9:00 – majors at the Pearkes field house on courts 3 & 4.
Coaches would like to request that all players bring proper indoor footwear, must wear proper protection, and bring water. If you would like to invite any friends or neighbors you know of they are more than welcome.
2016 Registration will take place on Jan 23, 24, 30 & 31in the Layritz Clubhousebetween 1-4 pm. Opening Day will be April 9, 2016!
Please review the following information closely as there have been a number of changes.
If you are unable to make these registration dates please contact our Player Agent NEWAny registrations received after January 31, 2016 will be waitlisted.
NEW Every player will need to fill out our New Player Form, please print and complete before registration to help speed up the process.
For registration you may need multiple cheques - we will not be accepting partial registrations so please ensure that you bring everything required (full list of registration information can be found here.)
Blastball registration can be paid with either cash or cheque.
Teeball and Mini-Minor will require 2 payments - at least 1 cheque per player; 1. a registration fee PLUS fundraising fee - cash or cheque. Fundraising is either a payment of $40 OR buy a box of Chocolates for $60 and you can sell them to recoup your entire $60 2. a post dated cheque (April 1, 2016) in the amount of $100 for Volunteer Deposit - must be a cheque.
All other Divisions, Baseball and Softball will require 3 payments - at least 2 separate cheques per player; 1. a registration fee PLUS fundraising fee - cash or cheque. Fundraising is either a payment of $40 OR buy a box of Chocolates for $60 and you can sell them to recoup your entire $60 2. a post dated cheque (April 1, 2016) in the amount of $100 for Volunteer Deposit - must be a cheque. 3. a post dated cheque (July 1, 2016) in the amount of $75 for Uniform Deposit - must be a cheque.
**Important if you are registering more than 1 player you can combine their registration and fundraising fees only. Each player must have their own concession and uniform deposit where applicable. Please ensure that your child's name is clearly noted in the memo line of EVERY cheque.
Please review the payment details carefully as you may be required to provide more than 1 post-dated cheque per child depending on the level of play. Registration Page
Also, please familiarize yourself with our new refund policy, Refund Policy
Please consider volunteering as a team manager, coach or umpire – we rely on our fantastic volunteers to provide the quality programming that Layritz Little League has become known for. You do not have to be an expert in the game, just willing to learn and a desire to help out. Feel free to ask any of our board members if you have any questions about volunteering. (Volunteer Form)
We acknowledge the financial assistance of the Province of British Columbia
and thank them in assisting us in providing a great program for our kids and our community.